BeeVIGOR® Sausages

ALL WEATHER WHOLEFOOD SUPPLEMENT of high quality protiens, carbohydrates, multivitamins, omega 3 & 6, unique sea minerals and trace elements in a 700g sausage with precise caulking gun application

Unlike most other honeybee supplements, BeeVIGOR Sausages are unique for a couple of reasons. Firstly, as a WHOLEFOOD in a dough like form, they stand apart for their UNIQUE SEA MINERALS and TRACE ELEMENTS (see articles for field trials).  Secondly, with the unique caulking gun application, they can be delivered with NO DISTURBANCE to beehives regardless of weather conditions.

Inserting the caulking gun nozzle directly into the hive entrance avoids the disasters that occur when the hive gets opened in the rain especially if air temperatures are below 12 degrees celsius.

All weather application also means that costly staff downtime is reduced with a consequent increase in operational efficiency and related profit.


• Promotes fatter, calmer more numerous workers
• Increases brood numbers and stores
• Improves recovery from pollination stress
• Assists nucleus hive development
• Rapid bee consumption reduces risk
of hive invaders
• Precise caulking gun application, with
minimal wastage
• No bee disturbance, even in the rain
• Supported by NZ replicated field trials
• No synthetics, no GMOs,
no animal products

Honey bees consume each application rapidly, minimizing the risk of BeeVIGOR Sausages being eaten by hive invaders, such as other bees, wasps and the small hive beetles, which thrive on bee nutritional supplements.

In early Spring and before the onset of Winter, BeeVIGOR Sausages help build strong colonies by increasing brood numbers, bee numbers, pollen and stores.

BeeVIGOR Sausages help whenever bees are restrained under netting, or used to pollinate crops where they are unable to access a balanced source of food.

Because of the high quality proteins BeeVIGOR Sausages help in raising queens and in establishing viable nucleus hives (nukes) in a minimum of time.

BeeVIGOR Sausages contain organic food grade non-GMO plant proteins, non-GMO plant carbohydrates, plant oil containing omega 3 & 6, multi-vitamins, plus unique marine sourced natural minerals and trace elements.

BeeVIGOR Sausages are packed in easy-to-use 700g sausages, ready for direct application into the hive entrance, or onto frame tops using a 52mm ID enclosed caulking gun. Hive entrance application can even be done in the rain without disturbing the bees.

BeeVIGOR Sausages are supported by replicated NZ field trial data on bee acceptance, brood numbers, bee numbers, pollen and honey stores.

Easy Caulking Gun Application

Directions For Use

• Place a BeeVIGOR Sausage into a 52mm ID cylindrical enclosed caulking gun and cut off the exposed end. Use a nozzle with a 5-6mm diameter hole.

• Apply 2-4 trigger pulls (approximately 30-60grams) of product into the entrance of the hive, or as a ribbon along the top of the brood frames if the hive is open.

• Inspect hives fortnightly and add more as required.

BeeVIGOR Sausages are not intended for human consumption.  Exempt ACVM Registration.



Store as cool as possible (not on the dashboard of the Ute). Longer term, keep in cold storage, refrigerate, or freeze. Thaw at room temperature.

Made By

Bee Vigor Products Ltd,
29 Greenwood Road,
Havelock North 4130, NZ.
®Registered Trademark

Field Trials

BeeVIGOR Sausages have been tested in the field for over 3 years in conjunction with independent commercial beekeepers.

Trial BVPL 131117

Trial BVPL 210918

Buyer Beware of FRAUDULENT websites selling our products!

Please note that our registered trade named products branded as BeeVIGOR® are being fraudulently offered by the Australian company South Pacific Bio Tech Pty Ltd and Sea Jing.  They are in breach of our copyright and established registered trade name position.  We are not associated with either of these companies.  So buyer beware.